Anglais 6e

Enseignant en primaire ?
Accompagnez-nous dans le développement d'une nouvelle collection !
Ch. 0
Prologue: Can you spell... B-E-E?
Thème 1 : Me, myself and I
Ch. 1
School again!
Ch. 2
Talent show!
Ch. 3
Amusement park!
Thème 2 : Across the United Kingdom
Ch. 4
Sport rocks!
Ch. 6
Getting around London!
Thème 3 : Through time!
Ch. 7
I, robot!
Ch. 8
George the Dragon Slayer?
Ch. 9
Epilogue: Into the deep...
Cultural spots
Chapter 5
Mission 1


Écrire et réagir à l'écrit : j'écris pour raconter et décrire.

Workbook p. 72
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Did you know?

Home exchange was invented in the 1950s by Swiss teachers as an economical way of travelling to other countries. The most attractive cities for swappers are Paris and New York. Which country would you like to visit?
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Meet Iris and Amanda

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Placeholder pour Poster of The HolidayPoster of The Holiday
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Poster of The Holiday, directed by Nancy Meyers, 2006.

Amanda: I'm interested in renting your house. Is it still available?

Iris: I'm interested but the cottage is only available for home exchange. We switch houses, cars, everything. Where are you?

Amanda: L.A.

Iris: Wow, I've never been there but always wanted to go. I'm Iris, I'm very normal, healthy and single. I'm a non-smoker.

Amanda: Hi, I'm Amanda. Your house looks idyllic. Just what I need.

Iris: Really? What does your house look like?

Amanda: My place is nice… A little bigger than yours.

Adapted from The Holiday (official movie script).

1. Identify and describe the poster.
2. Read the dialogue. Who are the characters? Spot them on the poster.
3. Pick out keywords from the text. Define “swap”.
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From London to L.A.

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From London to L.A.

Placeholder pour Screenshots from the movie The HolidayScreenshots from the movie The Holiday
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Screenshots from The Holiday, 2006.

1. Guess who lives where. Listen and check your answers.
2. Listen and list the rooms in each house.
3. Then classify the adjectives into two columns: positive and negative.
Group work
Describe each house. Use there is/are.
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Let's swap our houses!

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Placeholder pour
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Adapted from the HomeExchange.comTM website.

Let's swap our houses!

1. Observe and pick out the website's criteria.
Group work
Read the listings. Present each house.
3. Listen and pick out the three criteria needed by the family.
Group work
Which home are they going to choose? Discuss.
"I think they will choose n°... because there is/are..."
Bonus question
Pick out the sentences in the imperative.
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Let's do a home swap! Good idea!


Let's go! How exciting!
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There is / are

Observe: There are 6 bedrooms. There is a kitchen. There isn't a shower.

Think: Spot the subject, the verb and the object of each sentence. Is the object plural or singular?

Practise: Make 5 sentences to describe your house.

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Swap your house!

Use and write a listing to swap your house / flat for a house in Edinburgh.
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How far can you go?

I can use there + BE to describe a place.
I can use adjectives to make my ad more attractive.
I can add more details to be more specific.

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Oups, une coquille

j'ai une idée !

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