Anglais 4e

Rejoignez la communauté !
Co-construisez les ressources dont vous avez besoin et partagez votre expertise pédagogique.
Thème 1 : Back to school!
Ch. 0
Prologue: Back-to-school Selfie
Ch. 1
Your choice, your voice!
Thème 2 : Around the world!
Ch. 2
Let's hit the road!
Ch. 3
The Food Truck Project
Thème 3 : Through time
Ch. 4
Be the change!
Thème 4 : About Stories
Ch. 6
Love to Death!
Ch. 7
Usual suspects!
Thème 5 : Speak up!
Ch. 8
Art or Vandalism?
Ch. 9
We stand as one
Cultural spots
Chapter 5
Mission 1

What a jazzy life in Chicago!

Écrire et réagir à l'écrit : j'écris pour décrire, raconter, rendre compte.

Workbook p. 72 à 74
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Did you know?

There were many professional female pianists. It was considered a desirable skill for women, both black and white. In the 1910s, many female musicians would perform in circuses, carnivals, etc. What do you know about jazz? Do you play an instrument?
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Chicago nightlife

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Placeholder pour Photographie en noir et blanc de King Oliver's Creole Jazz BandPhotographie en noir et blanc de King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band
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King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band, 1923.

1. Have a look at the document. What is it?
In the foreground... / In the background... / In the middle... / On the left... / On the right... / At the top... / At the bottom...
2. Imagine the sounds, the atmosphere… See .
3. What can you guess about Chicago nightlife?
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Dazzling city

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Placeholder pour Chicago 1920s CollageChicago 1920s Collage
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Chicago 1920s Collage, Maria Jose Guirados.

Dazzling city

1. Look at the picture. Imagine the topic of the recording.
2. Listen and pick out the two phrases used to refer to the 1920s.
3.  key words about the nightlife in 1920s Chicago.
Group work
Define “prohibition”, “bootlegging” and “speakeasy”.
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Jazzmen... and women!

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Placeholder pour Timeline des dates importantes de la vie de Joe King Oliver, Lovie Austin et Earl Hines. 
  Joe King Oliver was a cornet player and a band leader, Armstrong's mentor. Dates importantes : 1885 born in Louisiana, 1890 Moved to New Orleans, 1919 Arrived in Chicago, 1922 Created the Creole Jazz Band, 1925 Created the Dixie Syncopators 1927 spent some months in New York and in 1938 died in Chicago.
  Lovie Austin (aka Cora Calhoun) was a bandleader, composer, singer and arranger, considered as one of the best female jazz and blues piano players. Dates importantes : 1887 born in Tennessee, 1917 wrote 'Graveyard Blues' for Bessie Smith, 1923 Arrived in Chicago, 1924 created the Blues Serenaders and in 1972 died in Chicago.
  Earl Hines was a piano player and Armstrng's friend. Dates importantes : 1903 born in Pittsburgh, 1923 arrived in Chicago, 1928 recorded with Armstrong's Hot Five and signed a contract at the Grand Terrace Cafe, 1929-1934 recorded with his own orchestra and in 1972 died in Oakland.Timeline des dates importantes de la vie de Joe King Oliver, Lovie Austin et Earl Hines. 
  Joe King Oliver was a cornet player and a band leader, Armstrong's mentor. Dates importantes : 1885 born in Louisiana, 1890 Moved to New Orleans, 1919 Arrived in Chicago, 1922 Created the Creole Jazz Band, 1925 Created the Dixie Syncopators 1927 spent some months in New York and in 1938 died in Chicago.
  Lovie Austin (aka Cora Calhoun) was a bandleader, composer, singer and arranger, considered as one of the best female jazz and blues piano players. Dates importantes : 1887 born in Tennessee, 1917 wrote 'Graveyard Blues' for Bessie Smith, 1923 Arrived in Chicago, 1924 created the Blues Serenaders and in 1972 died in Chicago.
  Earl Hines was a piano player and Armstrng's friend. Dates importantes : 1903 born in Pittsburgh, 1923 arrived in Chicago, 1928 recorded with Armstrong's Hot Five and signed a contract at the Grand Terrace Cafe, 1929-1934 recorded with his own orchestra and in 1972 died in Oakland.
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1. Look at the timelines. What do these artists have in common?
Group work
Write a short riddle about a musician and present it to the class. Use relative clauses.
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Long sentences


Louis Armstrong married Lil Hardin, who was a piano player. He went to Chicago where he played with Joe “King” Oliver.


He played jazz, which was very popular at that time.
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Relative clauses

Observe: Armstrong married Lil Hardin, who was a piano player. He played jazz, which was very popular. He went to Chicago where he met Joe “King” Oliver.

Think: Look at the words in bold. What is their function in the sentences?

Practise: Describe the Creole Jazz Band using relative clauses.

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Write a biography

Use . The Jazz Institute of Chicago would like to change the biography of artists on its website.
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How far can you go?

I can use the past tense to give biographical information.
I can add some complements to my sentences.
Vers B1
I can also use relative pronouns which will improve my text.

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j'ai une idée !

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