Anglais Cycle 4

Rejoignez la communauté !
Co-construisez les ressources dont vous avez besoin et partagez votre expertise pédagogique.
Thème 1 : Back to school!
Ch. 1
My school, my rules!
Ch. 2
Your choice, your voice!
Ch. 3
Act and react!
Thème 2 : Around the world!
Ch. 4
A visit to Emerald Isle!
Ch. 5
Highlands Fair Play!
Ch. 6
Let's hit the road!
Ch. 7
The Food Truck Project
Ch. 8
Piki mai, kake mai!
Ch. 9
Dream job: now casting!
Thème 3 : Through time!
Ch. 10
Bucket list
Ch. 11
Pardon my French!
Ch. 12
Be the change!
Ch. 13
Let's swing!
Ch. 14
Ancient wisdom
Ch. 15
I want to break free!
Thème 4 : About stories!
Ch. 16
Arthur, Lady G. & Co.!
Ch. 17
Once upon a time in Bollywood!
Ch. 18
Love to Death!
Ch. 20
Indigenous myths!
Ch. 21
Star-crossed lovers!
Thème 5 : Speak up!
Ch. 22
Think before you post!
Ch. 23
We stand as one
Ch. 24
The World in One City!
Cultural spots
Chapter 7
Mission 1

Murderer! Murderer!

Réagir et dialoguer : je participe à une conversation.

Workbook p. 96 à 98
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Did you know?

Poe's “The Murders in the Rue Morgue” is considered the first modern detective story in the English‑speaking world. It was written in 1841. In 1887, Sherlock Holmes, the most famous fictional detective, was created by Conan Doyle. Do you like detective stories?
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The crime scene

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Placeholder pour The crime sceneThe crime scene

The crime scene

1. Describe the scene. Imagine what happened. What clues were found by the police?

2. Listen to what happened at the crime scene. Take notes.

Group work
Write the proper police report. Use the passive voice.
"A gun was found and it was analysed..."
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A talkative lady!

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Placeholder pour A talkative lady! Une vieille dame qui discute avec une jeune femme dans une salle d'interrogatoireA talkative lady! Une vieille dame qui discute avec une jeune femme dans une salle d'interrogatoire

A talkative lady!

1. Look at the picture. What are the characters talking about?

2. Listen carefully. Do you think the old lady is a suspect? Why?
"She may be a suspect as... \neq She can't be a suspect since..."

3. Take notes and recap.

Pair work
Roleplay the conversation.
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A text conversation

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Placeholder pour A text conversationA text conversation

1. Present the document.

2. each emoticon into an adjective.

Role playing
Act out the conversation between Ryan and his friend.

Group work
Imagine his conversation with the police about his alibi. Is he a suspect? Why?
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Stressed words


They were in a state of shock: it happened in a flash!


The cat is sitting next to the table.
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Passive voice

Observe: A crime was committed... Clues weren't found by the police.

Think: Find the subject, auxiliary and verb. Is the subject the doer?

Practise: Say what you know: a man…, some fingerprints…, suspects...
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Act out a press conference

Use and act out a press conference to answer the journalists' questions about the investigation.
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How far can you go?

I can talk about past events with the simple past.
I can describe the circumstances with the past BE + V-ing.
Vers B1
I can use the passive voice and react spontaneously.

Une erreur sur la page ? Une idée à proposer ?

Nos manuels sont collaboratifs, n'hésitez pas à nous en faire part.

j'ai une idée !

Oups, une coquille

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