Anglais 5e - Cahier d'activités

Rejoignez la communauté !
Co-construisez les ressources dont vous avez besoin et partagez votre expertise pédagogique.
Thème 1 : Back to school!
Ch. 0
Once upon a time… Capsule!
Ch. 1
My school, my rules!
Thème 2 : Around the world!
Ch. 2
A visit to Emerald Isle!
Thème 3 : Through time
Ch. 4
Bucket list
Ch. 5
Pardon my French!
Thème 4 : About Stories
Ch. 6
Arthur, Lady G. & Co.!
Ch. 7
Once upon a time in Bollywood!
Thème 5 : Speak up!
Ch. 8
A hero like no other!
Ch. 9
Think before you post!
Cultural spots
Chapter 3
Mission 1

Highlanders' spirits!

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Did you know?

1. What did Coubertin invent? , or
2. How many Highland sports did he include in the Olympic games? , or
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Clans at the games

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1. Look at the picture and put the words back into the text to define the word “clan”.

Placeholder pour Photo Clan Bell Photo Clan Bell
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is a unique Scottish word. It doesn't mean
, as some people think. It designates a social group, people who work and fight together. Traditionally, members adopted the name of the clan to show their loyalty. Each clan has a different
, on their clothes, with a distinct pattern of coloured blocks and
. Most clans originally come from the
of Scotland, not the
near the English border. Not all Scotsmen
 to a clan!

Pair work
Watch the video and try to explain this game.

3. Reorder these words to create instructions for this game.
a) the / Hold / in / stone / one / hand / . / ➝

b) your / it / against / neck / Place / . / ➝

c) in / circle / a / Turn / quickly / . / ➝

d) Throw / as / stone / as / possible / the / far / . / ➝ 
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The Scottish Olympics

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1. Listen to the audio. Then complete the text to describe the .

The Scottish Olympics

This picture
King Malcolm's race. In the 11th
, the King organised a race to the
of a large
. The
of the race became the King's
messenger. Some people
inspired the Highland Games.

2. Choose the events which are not mentioned in the audio.

3. Watch the video and fill in this poster for the Highlands Games of Braemar.


Saturday of
For almost
centuries ! 
More than
of spectactors!

On the bill:
  • performances
  • Dance 
  • of strength.
  • Races over various distances.
    • Let's gather the
      millions of Scottish living around the planet!
Placeholder pour <stamp theme='esp-blue'>Doc. 4</stamp> <stamp theme='esp-blue'>Doc. 4</stamp>
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Come to the games

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1. You want to go to the Bermuda Highland Games with a friend. Fill in the text message with elements from the poster. See .

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2. Tick the sporting events.

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La prononciation de « th »


Listen: On the eleventh, I gathered athletes.

Réfléchis : Note le symbole correspondant aux syllabes en gras : /ð/ ou /θ/.


Répète : The father thanked the mother for the thing she gave him.
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Les prépositions : at, on et until

Observe : The games will start at 4 p.m. on Thursday 25th June. They will last until late at night.

Réfléchis : Repère les prépositions et ce qui les suit.

De quel type d'information s'agit-il pour chacune d'entre elles ?

Conclus : Chaque préposition a son rôle : at +
; on +
; until +
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Mission 1

1. Your mission is to prepare...

2. Your document will include (two answers)...

3. Choose your level:

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j'ai une idée !

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