Anglais 1re - Cahier d'activités

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Thème 1 - Identities and exchanges
Ch. 1
In and out of the Valley
Ch. 2
Nollywood and Bollywood
Thème 2 - Public and private spaces
Ch. 3
Women of power
Ch. 4
Better together
Thème 3 - Art and power
Ch. 5
Uncle Stan’s army
Ch. A
The colors of music
Thème 4 - Citizenship and virtual worlds
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Fact or fiction?
Ch. B
Back to the future
Thème 5 - Fictions and realities
Ch. 8
Got(h) away with murder
Ch. 9
The West wind
Ch. C
From Britain with laughs
Thème 6 - Scientific innovations and responsibility
Ch. 11
Is it a brave new world?
Thème 7 - Diversity and inclusion
Ch. 12
The secret road to freedom
Ch. 13
Caribbean poetry
Thème 8 - Territory and memory
Ch. 14
No thanks, no giving
Ch. 15
Troubled times
Unit 10

Language in progress

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Grammar at work

Le comparatif

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Observe and deduce!

Finn: Catherine, how was your journey to work this morning?
Catherine: Ok. Well, my journey to work wasn't great, actually. I woke up later than usual, so I took the bus because it's quicker than walking. And it's easier than cycling, too. But the traffic was much busier than normal and we went slower and slower and people became more and more impatient.
Finn: You poor thing, I can imagine that the slower the bus went, the more impatient the people became.
a. Observez la partie de Catherine. Repérez les comparatifs et classez-les.

(... +er) + ...more + adj. + ...

b. Observez maintenant la réponse de Finn. Que remarquez-vous ?

c. Comment se traduisent-ils ?
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Traduisez en employant un comparatif de supériorité (+), d'infériorité (-) ou d'égalité (=).

1) At that time, Titus Salt was
(rich, +) almost any other man in England.
2) During industrialization, steel was
(coveted, =) iron.
3) Henry Bessemer's process for mass-producing steel was
(expensive, -) than the others.
4) I think Oliver Twist was
(interesting, +) than Hard Times.
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Vocabulary in progress

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Décrivez l'image en utilisant un ou plusieurs adjectifs composés.

Placeholder pour Baked pizzaBaked pizza
Placeholder pour Red haired womanRed haired woman
Placeholder pour Hand knit scarfHand knit scarf
Placeholder pour Fishing manFishing man
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Phonology in progress

Labo des langues

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Écoutez les citations de Lucy Powell, membre du Parti travailliste britannique, et transcrivez-les.

Écoutez l'enregistrement pour vérifier vos réponses.


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