Anglais 1re - Cahier d'activités

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Thème 1 - Identities and exchanges
Ch. 1
In and out of the Valley
Ch. 2
Nollywood and Bollywood
Thème 2 - Public and private spaces
Ch. 3
Women of power
Ch. 4
Better together
Thème 3 - Art and power
Ch. 5
Uncle Stan’s army
Ch. A
The colors of music
Thème 4 - Citizenship and virtual worlds
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Fact or fiction?
Ch. B
Back to the future
Thème 5 - Fictions and realities
Ch. 8
Got(h) away with murder
Ch. 9
The West wind
Ch. C
From Britain with laughs
Thème 6 - Scientific innovations and responsibility
Ch. 11
Is it a brave new world?
Thème 7 - Diversity and inclusion
Ch. 12
The secret road to freedom
Ch. 13
Caribbean poetry
Thème 8 - Territory and memory
Ch. 14
No thanks, no giving
Ch. 15
Troubled times
Unit 1
Activity 5

Titus Salt: fun facts

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Get ready!

Look at the following lists of words. In the anecdotes, find a word to complete each list. Then, give its meaning in French. You can use a thesaurus if you want to.

1) an example / music sampling / ...
2) famous / the Hall of Fame / ...
3) a pen / a pen friend / ...
4) citywide / worldwide web / ...
5) stagger / staggered reimbursements / ...
6) intend / good intentions / ...
7) nod (at) / nod off / ...
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Read the anecdotes carefully to fill in this crossword. Then unjumble the red letters to find the secret word.

Placeholder pour CrosswordCrossword

1) 1876 saw the end of the construction of Saltaire and Titus Salt's...
2) Titus Salt was very rich, he was a...
3) The huge Stone Lions are historical...
4) Titus Salt was a secret man, he valued his...
5) A lot of people admired him, he was an... to many.
6) The title of Baronet made him part of the...
7) Prince Albert was Queen Victoria's...

8) The Great Yorkshire Llama was a 1852 magazine...
9) Victoria set trends, she was a fashion...
10) Titus was not only a manufacturer he was also a...
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Let's recap!

Use this plan to make an oral presentation of Titus Salt.

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