What is your overall impression of the town?It looks...
b. Two adjectives to describe it:
c. Two nouns to describe it:
d. Make suppositions about the video.
Complete these sentences and listen to check.
Maybe Titus Salt was a…
Perhaps he intended to…
Saltaire was possibly…
Compared to other industrial towns, Saltaire seems...
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Ressource affichée de l'autre côté. Faites défiler pour voir la suite.
a. Watch the video and tick the correct answer.
1) Titus Salt was from the city of... 2) He owned a… 3) He started his business in… 4) He was... 5) Titus Salt built an industrial community on the river named... 6) He had... employees.
7) Atmospheric pollution caused... 8) In northern mill towns, life expectancy was...
9) 70% of children died before the age of... 10) Titus Salt installed a new boiler which... 11) This innovation was refused because it... 12) “The great god”? was... 13) Saltaire was Titus Salt's vision of...
b. Which statement about Titus Salt do you personally think describes him best? Why?
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