, then put these steps of the naturalization process into chronological order.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
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Exercise 2
Complete with the missing information.
1. Number of new Canadian citizens each year:
2. In the early 1900s, the vast majority of immigrants came from...
3. Since the end of the twentieth century, newcomers have been from...
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Group 2
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As [...] Donald Trump pledged
to “Make America Great Again,”[...]
there's a slew of public figures who have
made quite a different pledge — to move
to Canada. And some members of the
public, at least, appeared to be intent on
making good on that promise. Canada's
immigration website repeatedly crashed
as Trump's chances rose late Tuesday.
[Many] actors have threatened to cross
the border if Trump becomes U.S.
President. They're not the first people
to threaten to move north of the border.
Tens of thousands of Americans are
right behind them.
Quentin Fottrell
“5 reasons to flee the US for Canada (that have
nothing to do with a Donald Trump win)”,
Marketwatch.com, 2016.
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Exercise 1
Find words in the text to match each definition.
1. promise (v.) ➜
2. a lot of (exp.) ➜
3. be determined to (exp.) ➜
4. menace (v.) ➜
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Exercise 2
a. When was the text published, and why did Americans want to move to Canada at that time?
b. What does this show about how Canada is viewed by Americans?
c. “Canada's… Tuesday”: in your own words, rephrase this sentence and what it implies.
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Group 1 & 2
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Let's recap!
Recap your document. Identify its tone and its goal.
What do you think of it? Use at least one adjective from the list below.
Useful vocabulary
The purpose of the document is... It makes me consider that… It makes me wonder whether...
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