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Exercise 3
a. Pick out keywords to fill in the table below.
Important information about the sit-in
People participating
b. Say whether these statements are true or false.
1. White and black people could not hang out together in cafes.
2. A “five and dime” store did not have a restaurant counter.
3. After protesting on the picket line, protesters would go and have a coffee together.
c. Why does Joan T. Mulholland say “the Civil Rights Movement should not be reduced to Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks onlyˮ? Rephrase it in your own words.
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Let's recap!
Recap the content of this video and discuss its message.
Useful vocabulary
I agree with her... I disagree with her... As a student, I think that...
Afficher la correction
Une erreur sur la page ? Une idée à proposer ?
Nos manuels sont collaboratifs, n'hésitez pas à nous en faire part.
j'ai une idée !
Oups, une coquille
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