Anglais Cycle 4

Rejoignez la communauté !
Co-construisez les ressources dont vous avez besoin et partagez votre expertise pédagogique.
Thème 1 : Back to school!
Ch. 1
My school, my rules!
Ch. 2
Your choice, your voice!
Ch. 3
Act and react!
Thème 2 : Around the world!
Ch. 4
A visit to Emerald Isle!
Ch. 5
Highlands Fair Play!
Ch. 6
Let's hit the road!
Ch. 7
The Food Truck Project
Ch. 8
Piki mai, kake mai!
Ch. 9
Dream job: now casting!
Thème 3 : Through time!
Ch. 10
Bucket list
Ch. 11
Pardon my French!
Ch. 12
Be the change!
Ch. 13
Let's swing!
Ch. 15
I want to break free!
Thème 4 : About stories!
Ch. 16
Arthur, Lady G. & Co.!
Ch. 17
Once upon a time in Bollywood!
Ch. 18
Love to Death!
Ch. 19
Usual suspects!
Ch. 20
Indigenous myths!
Ch. 21
Star-crossed lovers!
Thème 5 : Speak up!
Ch. 22
Think before you post!
Ch. 23
We stand as one
Ch. 24
The World in One City!
Cultural spots
Chapter 4

Think about it

Langue : je maitrise les codes de la langue.

Workbook p. 66
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Mission 1

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What could you do instead?

Example: You always take long showers.
→ Instead of taking long showers, I could...

1.  They waste too much paper.
2.  You never use the recycling bins.
3.  She turns on the air conditioning.
instead of + V-ing
rather than + V-ing
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The superlative

Complete with a superlative.

1.  This method is
(modern) I've ever heard of.

2.  This is
(silly) idea!

3.  This hut is
(comfortable) in the community.

4.  Iwokrama is one of
(wild) places on earth.

  • Short adjective (1 or 2 syllables if adj. ends with -y): the + adj.-est
  • Long adjective: the most + adj.
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Creating an unreal world

Find the odd one out. Focus on the verbs.

Everything happens as if we didn't know that deforestation is a huge problem.
She behaves as though she were not concerned by the fate of the planet.
They look as if they had been bewitched by the beauty of Guyana!

  • Unreal assumption about the present as if / as though + simple past
  • Unreal assumption about the past as if / as though + past HAVE + V-en
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Mission 2

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The conditional and past

Complete with the correct verb form.

1.  If rich countries
(be / not) so greedy, the situation
(be) much better.

2.  If she
(work) for Guyana's Environmental Protection Agency, she
(feel) a lot more involved.

3.  If we
(have) more wisdom, we
(keep) more forests, like Guyana.

4.  If you
 (save) money, you
 (be able) to travel to the Caribbean.

  • Conditional: it's possible if…
    If... + simple past, … would + BV
  • Past conditional: impossible unless you change the past
    If… + HAD V-en, ... would + HAVE V-en
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Reported and direct speech

Transform the reported speech sentences into direct speech.

1.  Mark added that he had been to London the year before.

2.  Mr Allicock stated that he couldn't live here.

3.  The students told me that they were working on an essay about the giant otter that night.

4.  Jean Allicock stated that they could all live together.
  • You quote someone
    direct speech: use “ ”
  • You report someone's idea
    reported speech: no “ ”
Use verbs such as say, tell, state, report, add, etc.
Make all necessary changes!

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j'ai une idée !

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