Anglais Cycle 4

Rejoignez la communauté !
Co-construisez les ressources dont vous avez besoin et partagez votre expertise pédagogique.
Thème 1 : Back to school!
Ch. 1
My school, my rules!
Ch. 2
Your choice, your voice!
Ch. 3
Act and react!
Thème 2 : Around the world!
Ch. 4
A visit to Emerald Isle!
Ch. 5
Highlands Fair Play!
Ch. 6
Let's hit the road!
Ch. 7
The Food Truck Project
Ch. 8
Piki mai, kake mai!
Ch. 9
Dream job: now casting!
Thème 3 : Through time!
Ch. 10
Bucket list
Ch. 11
Pardon my French!
Ch. 12
Be the change!
Ch. 13
Let's swing!
Ch. 14
Ancient wisdom
Ch. 15
I want to break free!
Thème 4 : About stories!
Ch. 16
Arthur, Lady G. & Co.!
Ch. 17
Once upon a time in Bollywood!
Ch. 18
Love to Death!
Ch. 19
Usual suspects!
Ch. 20
Indigenous myths!
Ch. 21
Star-crossed lovers!
Thème 5 : Speak up!
Ch. 22
Think before you post!
Ch. 24
The World in One City!
Cultural spots
Les dossiers d'actualité

Poetry has no frontiers

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Oct 7: National Poetry Day UK
Oct 17: Black Poetry Day USA
Oct 28: Migrants Day USA
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Text document
Read Rupi Kaur's poem Immigrant.

they have no idea what it's like
to lose home at the risk of
never finding home again
to have your entire life
split between two lands and
become the bridge between two countries
Rupi Kaur
8 janvier 2019 @rupikaurpoetry
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Let's learn!

Listen to the and practice repeating the words and verses.
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  • idea (n.) /aɪˈdɪə/

  • lose (v.) /luːz/

  • home (n.) /həʊm/

  • again (adv.) /əˈɡen/

  • split (v.) /splɪt/

  • bridge (n.) /brɪdʒ/

  • between (prep.) /bɪˈtwiːn/
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Group work
Rupi Kaur wrote “They have no idea what it's like to lose home”.
How may immigrants feel when leaving their homeland?
Discuss and list adjectives describing their emotions.
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Text document
Study Earl Thompson's poem Jamaica, My Home Country.

Jamaica, My Home Country
My heart is missing something so dear to me
The warmth of Jamaica, my home country
I missed the way the sand felt beneath my feet
And the beautiful smiles of the people that we meet

I missed the wind blowing gently against my cheeks
And missed the echoes of our voices as we speak
I missed the taste of sugar cane in the morning
I missed the glorious sunlight of a new day dawning

I missed the crowing of the cocks before the day lights
And the sounds of crickets chirping through the nights
I missed the constant swaying of the trees
As they danced to the cool, tantalising breeze

I missed the pleasant sound of the seashells next to my ear
I missed the sound of mom's voice, saying have no fear
I missed the smell of the fresh sea air
And those pleasant, but noisy atmospheres

I missed the way the sellers expertly balanced their loads
As they walk to the markets on those dusty roads
I missed the sounds of tiny feet
As the kids play their games on those dusty streets

I missed the way my feet felt on the ground
Without there being any snow around
These are things I hope to again feel and see
When I'm back in Jamaica, my home country
Earl Thompson, 2007.
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Language in progress

Quelque chose ou quelqu'un te manque :
➜ You miss something or someone.

The poet used to live in Jamaica and enjoyed living there. Now, he lives in another country where life is different. He misses his home country = He is homesick.
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Individual work
1. Which country does the poet refer to? Where is it?

2. What did he miss when he was away?

3. Classify his memories according to the five senses.

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Listen to , a poem by Brian Bilston.
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Vocabulary in progress

Individual work
Match each word to the correct definition:
 : people who cheat and exploit others to get what they want
 : people who try to get things (especially money or food) without working for them
 : people who spend too much time relaxing
 : people who do are lazy and inactive
 : people who commit murder
 : people who steal
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Click on your path! or

Path A
Individual work

1. Listen to the first read‑aloud of the poem. What is your reaction?

2. Then listen to the second read‑aloud. What has changed?
Path B
Individual work

1. Describe the photographs and compare reactions.

2. Listen to the two read‑alouds. What is your reaction?

3. Why do you think the poet chose to write it this way? Discover his answer .

Let's talk this out!
Group work

Read these lines again: “These haggard faces could belong to you or me, Should life have dealt a different hand”. What does the poet suggest? Reformulate in your own words.

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Think about it!

Laisser quelqu'un faire quelque chose
➜ let someone do something

Faire faire quelque chose à quelqu'un
➜ make someone do something

Find examples in the poem.
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Celebrate poetry

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Create an acrostic about emigration and immigration.

Imagine you left your country. Recite a poem listing everything you miss.
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Practice reciting Brian Bilston's poem and use the appropriate tone.
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