Anglais Cycle 4

Rejoignez la communauté !
Co-construisez les ressources dont vous avez besoin et partagez votre expertise pédagogique.
Thème 1 : Back to school!
Ch. 2
Your choice, your voice!
Ch. 3
Act and react!
Thème 2 : Around the world!
Ch. 4
A visit to Emerald Isle!
Ch. 5
Highlands Fair Play!
Ch. 6
Let's hit the road!
Ch. 7
The Food Truck Project
Ch. 8
Piki mai, kake mai!
Ch. 9
Dream job: now casting!
Thème 3 : Through time!
Ch. 10
Bucket list
Ch. 11
Pardon my French!
Ch. 12
Be the change!
Ch. 13
Let's swing!
Ch. 14
Ancient wisdom
Ch. 15
I want to break free!
Thème 4 : About stories!
Ch. 16
Arthur, Lady G. & Co.!
Ch. 17
Once upon a time in Bollywood!
Ch. 18
Love to Death!
Ch. 19
Usual suspects!
Ch. 20
Indigenous myths!
Ch. 21
Star-crossed lovers!
Thème 5 : Speak up!
Ch. 22
Think before you post!
Ch. 23
We stand as one
Ch. 24
The World in One City!
Cultural spots
Chapter 1

Think about it

Langue : je maitrise les codes de la langue.

Workbook p. 30
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Mission 1

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Describe your imaginary school using there + BE.
no - library
2 English classrooms
1 IT room
no - nap room
There is / There isn't + SING
There are / There aren't + PLU
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Following rules

Complete the following text with the right modal (must vs mustn't).

In my school, I
chew gum. I
wear a hat inside. In my English classroom, I
raise my hand before talking. I also
chat with my classmates.

Must + BV: obligation
Mustn't + BV: prohibition
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What can you do in English class? What can't you do?
Classify these actions: chew gum, sit up, speak English, speak French, chat, shout, sleep.

I can I can't

Can + BV: possible
Can't + BV: impossible
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Mission 2

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How often? Frequency adverbs!

How often do you do these activities?
watch TV at night
eat at the cafeteria
eat breakfast in the morning
do your homework
do the laundry
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Present simple

Choose the correct answer.

1. I often
(goes / go / gone) to school by bus.

2. She always
(do / does / done) her homework after school.

3. They seldom
(raise / raises / raised) their hands in class.

4. We usually
 (have / haves / has) mathematics on Mondays.

Third person in the singular → do not forget the -s.
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What time is it?

Match the time with the corresponding sentence. What time is it?
3.05 am
2.50 pm
3.40 pm

What time is it?
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