Anglais 3e - Cahier d'activités

Rejoignez la communauté !
Co-construisez les ressources dont vous avez besoin et partagez votre expertise pédagogique.
Thème 1 : Back to school!
Ch. 0
Prologue : Looking forward, looking back!
Ch. 1
Act and React!
Thème 2 : Around the world!
Ch. 3
Dream job: now casting!
Thème 3 : Through time
Ch. 4
Ancient wisdom
Ch. 5
I want to break free!
Thème 4 : About Stories
Ch. 6
Indigenous myths!
Ch. 7
Star-crossed lovers!
Thème 5 : Speak up
Ch. 8
Big brands, Tiny hands
Ch. 9
Epilogue : The World in On City!
Cultural spots
Chapter 2
Mission 1

Aotearoa, "the land of the long white cloud"!

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Did you know?

1. The native people of New Zealand are the New Zealanders.  
2. The inhabitants of New Zealand have adopted Maori traditions. 
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Ta moko

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1. Read the article. List the adjectives and nouns qualifying ta moko.

ta moko

2. Match the following words and expressions to describe the man and his tattoo.

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For men: sign of intimidation to the enemy; for women: sign of great defiance.
The tikiki: dressed with a wooden comb, only for men of a certain status.
Sign of rank, but also used as a kind of identification card.

3. Eliminate the wrong reasons for getting this type of tattoo.

4. Would you like to have a tattoo? Debate the question with your classmates!

Arguments for 👍 Arguments against 👎
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Hobbits in New Zealand?!

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1. Look at the picture and answer the questions.

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a) The roof is made of
(green tiles / green wood / grass and soil).

b) What are the benefits of this kind of roof?

c) What's the main characteristic of the people living in the house?  

2. Now, listen. List the positive adjectives Josh uses to describe New Zealand.

Hobbits in New Zealand?!

  • The most
    place on Earth.
  • The most
  • mountains.
  • valleys covered in
  • Pretty
  •  plains.

3. Select the season Elijah has chosen for his trip.

4. Why does Josh say it won't be Summer in New Zealand in July?
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Pronounce “t”


Listen: Nature, hot, tour, culture.

Réfléchis : Pour chaque mot choisis la bonne prononciation du « t » / ʧ / ou /t/.


Répète : Agriculture, creature, temperate, departure, tempting, mixture.
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Observe : A breathtaking green mountain. A lovely little penguin.

Réfléchis : Dans ces phrases, relève les adjectifs qui décrivent le nom « objectivement » et ceux qui donnent une opinion sur celui-ci.

Conclus : Lorsque j'utilise deux adjectifs, le premier est :
Alors que le second serait :
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Crazy nature!

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1. Browse the Internet and locate the three species of penguins on the map.
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The tawaki
Placeholder pour Doc. 5 The rare hoihoDoc. 5 The rare hoiho
The rare hoiho
Placeholder pour The kororaThe korora
The korora

2. Look up the word pohutu in the Maori dictionary and select the words that best explain what it is.

3. Create a “nature or culture traveller” quiz. Fill in the table with outdoor activities and cultural activities. Then, ask your classmates to choose between the two activities.

Nature 🌲 Culture 🖼️
Hiking in Kahurangi National Park. Sightseeing in Auckland.
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Mission 1

1. I am going to design...

2. A travel agency will use it...

3. Choose your level:

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