Thème 6 - Scientific innovations and responsibility
Ch. 10
The big smoke
Ch. 11
Is it a brave new world?
Thème 7 - Diversity and inclusion
Ch. 12
The secret road to freedom
Ch. 13
Caribbean poetry
Thème 8 - Territory and memory
Ch. 14
No thanks, no giving
Ch. 15
Troubled times
Unit B
Activity 1
A short history of gaming
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Get ready!
Read the infographic in the book. Pick out the equivalents of the following words in the text.
1) écran (n.):
2) manette (n.):
3) faillite (n.):
4) plaire à (v.):
5) classification (n.):
6) appareil (n.):
7) fournir (v.):
8) occasionnel (adj.):
9) sortir (v.):
10) actuel (adj.):
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Match each of these game consoles or innovations with their release date. Bonus: can you find them on the picture (joypad or console)?
Nintendo 64
Nintendo Switch
Nintendo Game Boy
Atari 2600
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Read the infographic. True or false? Tick the correct answer.
1)Spacewar! is considered the first videogame. 2) The NES was created in the United States. 3) The Atari 2600 used a remote and cartridges. 4) The Videogame Rating Council marks and ranks the quality of games.
5) The Wii helped people stay active. 6) The Saturn system used cartridges. 7) The Saturn was more expensive than the Playstation.
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Ressource affichée de l'autre côté. Faites défiler pour voir la suite.
Let's recap!
Choose 5 dates and write a summary of the evolution of the gaming industry.
Useful vocabulary
In only X years… It took X years to come up with…
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