Anglais Terminale - Cahier d'activités

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Co-construisez les ressources dont vous avez besoin et partagez votre expertise pédagogique.
1. Identities and Exchanges
Ch. 1
The Canadian Tale
Ch. 2
Go Greek!
2. Private and Public Spheres
Ch. 3
Is It a Man’s World?
Ch. 4
The Roaring Twenties
3. Art and Power
Ch. 5
A Camera of Her Own
Ch. 6
A Never-Ending (Hi)story?
Ch. A
Conscious Art
4. Citizenship and Virtual Worlds
Ch. 7
To Tweet or Not to Tweet?
Ch. B
Digital Passports at Risk...
Ch. C
May I Borrow This?
5. Fiction and Realities
Ch. 8
Chivalry Isn’t Dead!
Ch. 9
It’s GoT to Be Shakespeare!
6. Scientific Innovations and Responsibility
Ch. 10
Breaking the Code
Ch. 11
Green Waves
Ch. D
To Infinity and Beyond!
7. Diversity and Inclusion
Ch. 12
Multicultural New Zealand
8. Territory and Memory
Ch. 14
Lighting Up Africa
Ch. 15
American Vibes
Méthode : Les épreuves de Terminale
Unit 13
Activity 4

An Unfulfilled Dream?

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Group 1

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Text 1
Well Martin's dream
Has become Rodney's worst Nightmare
Can't walk the streets
To them we are fair game
Our lives don't mean a thing

Like a king, like a king, like a king
Rodney King, Rodney King, Rodney King
Like a king, like a king, like a king
How I wish you could help us Dr. King

Make sure it's filmed
Shown on national T.V.
They'll have no mercy
A legal lynch mob
Like the days strung up from the tree
The L.A.P.D.
Ben Harper
Like A King, 1992.

Words and Music by Benjamin Charles Harper
Copyright (c) 1994 BMG Gold Songs and Innocent Criminal
All Rights Administered by BMG Rights Management (US) LLC
All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured.
Reproduced with Permission of Hal Leonard Europe Limited.
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Exercise 1

a. This song describes a specific event. Pick out key words to figure out what the event could be.

b. Research this event online, then get ready to present it orally without notes.

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Exercise 2

What is the aim of this text? Choose between the following verbs and justify your choice.
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Group 2

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Text 2
A bus driver said, “Lady, you got to get up
‘Cause a white person wants that seat”
But Miss Rosa said, “No, not no more
I'm gonna sit here and rest my feet”

Thank you Miss Rosa, you are the spark
You started our freedom movement
Thank you Sister Rosa Parks [...]

The people of Montgomery sat down to talk
It was decided all God's children should walk
Until segregation was brought to its knees
And we obtain freedom and equality, yeah

Thank you Miss Rosa, you are the spark
You started our freedom movement
Thank you Sister Rosa Parks [...]
The Neville Brothers
Sister Rosa, 1989.
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Exercise 1

a. This song describes a specific event. Pick out key words to figure out what the event could be.

b. Research this event online, then get ready to present it orally without notes.

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Exercise 2

What is the tone of this text? Choose between the following adjectives and justify your choice.
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Group 3

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Freeing yourself was one thing, claiming ownership of that freed self was another.
Beloved, Toni Morrison, 1987.
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You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I'll rise.
Still I Rise, Maya Angelou, 1978.
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Exercise 1

These African‑American women speak about being free from their oppressors. Who were their oppressors? Why?
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Exercise 2

What are the aim and the tone of these quotes? Choose two words from the following and justify your choice.
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Group 1, 2 & 3

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Let's recap!

You are a journalist. You sum up your findings to write a short oral presentation about your document. Conclude by answering the following question: Are black Americans still oppressed today? Explain why or why not.

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