Anglais 2de - Cahier d'activités

Rejoignez la communauté !
Co-construisez les ressources dont vous avez besoin et partagez votre expertise pédagogique.
Thème 1 : Generations living together
Ch. 1
Food for joy, food for ploy
Ch. 2
No future? No way!
Thème 2 : Working worlds
Ch. 3
Working in Silicon Valley
Ch. 4
STEM women rock!
Thème 3 : Neighbourhood, cities and villages
Ch. 5
Ticket to ride
Ch. 6
South Afri...cans
Ch. A
Dreaming city stories
Thème 4 : Representation of self and relationships with others
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Look at me now!
Ch. B
Inking the Future
Thème 5 : Sports and society
Ch. 9
Spirit in motion
Ch. 10
Athletic Scholarship
Thème 6 : Creation and arts
Ch. 11
“You see but you don’t observe!”
Ch. C
Copying or denouncing?
Thème 7 : Saving the planet, designing possible futures
Ch. 13
Young voices of change
Ch. 14
Biomimicry: a sustainable solution?
Thème 8 : The past in the present
Ch. 15
Twisted Tales
Ch. 16
The Royals
Ch. D
All Hallows’ Eve
Unit 12

Language in progress

p. 176‑177
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Grammar at work

La concession, l'opposition, la condition, la conséquence

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Observez ces phrases, classez les mots de liaison dans le tableau, puis complétez-le.

a. Although the mood music played during filming was helpful for the actors, it was never heard by the spectators in a movie theatre.
→ The mood music played during fi lming was helpful for the actors, but it was never heard by the spectators in a movie theatre.

b. He was an excellent actor, yet he failed to make a talking picture.

→ Even if he was an excellent actor, he failed to make a talking picture.

c. Some actors could not adapt to Talkies, so they lost their jobs.
→ Some actors could not adapt to Talkies, that's why they lost their jobs.

Mots de liaison
Place dans la phrase
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Complétez les phrases suivantes avec le mot de liaison qui convient :

although - but - yet - even if - so - that's why

1) Silent movie actors needed to have expressive faces,
did not need to learn any dialogue.

2) Slapstick comedy was universally funny,
silent movies were loved by many people.

some actors were superstars in the silent era, some were completely forgotten by the public when Talkies arrived.
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Vocabulary in progress

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Servez-vous des 12 mots de l'exercice 6 p. 177 votre manuel pour compléter les phrases suivantes.

The boss sits in his
and uses a
to give instructions to the actors. They have to follow the
while the film crew uses
, and
, to record the sound and image on the
, every
has to be perfect! At the end of the take, the boy uses the
, and it's time to go home.
At the
, when the lights go out and the
goes on, something magical happens. Have you got your
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Phonology in progress

Labo des langues

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Écoutez l'enregistrement et notez les mots que vous entendez.

Exercice 4




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Écrivez ce virelangue en anglais. Écoutez pour vérifier.

Exercice 5

ˈʃɜːlɪ ˈʧεɪnʤɪz ˈtʃɑːˈtʃɑːˈtʃɑː ˈpɑːtnəz ˈɛvrɪ ʧɑːns ʃiː gɛts.
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