Anglais Terminale

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1. Identities and Exchanges
Ch. 1
The Canadian Tale
Ch. 2
Go Greek!
2. Private and Public Spheres
Ch. 3
Is It a Man’s World?
Ch. 4
The Roaring Twenties
3. Art and Power
Ch. 5
A Camera of Her Own
Ch. 6
A Never-Ending (Hi)story?
Ch. A
Conscious Art
4. Citizenship and Virtual Worlds
Ch. 7
To Tweet or Not to Tweet?
Ch. B
Digital Passports at Risk...
Ch. C
May I Borrow This?
5. Fiction and Realities
Ch. 8
Chivalry Isn’t Dead!
6. Scientific Innovations and Responsibility
Ch. 10
Breaking the Code
Ch. 11
Green Waves
Ch. D
To Infinity and Beyond!
Ch. num
Tech for the Future?
7. Diversity and Inclusion
Ch. 12
Multicultural New Zealand
Ch. 13
Black Lives Matter
8. Territory and Memory
Ch. 14
Lighting Up Africa
Ch. 15
American Vibes
Fiches Méthode
Précis culturel
Précis de communication
Précis phonologique
Précis grammatical
Verbes irréguliers
CECR et programme
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Unit 9
Activity 4

Play and Screen Corner

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Placeholder pour Macbeth, by Justin Kurzel, 2015.Macbeth, by Justin Kurzel, 2015.
Le zoom est accessible dans la version Premium.
Macbeth, by Justin Kurzel, 2015.
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You are in charge of one item from .

a. Search for information online to present your play, movie or series (genre, plot, characters...).

b. What are the main themes?

What is the link with Shakespeare's work? With Game of Thrones?
Useful vocabulary
It was published / released in… It was written / directed by… It seems to be about… It mainly deals with… There is a close link between… and… because…
Let's talk this out!

What differences and similarities can you find between these plays, movies and series and:
a. Game of Thrones?

b. Shakespeare's work?

Is it an adaptation? What differences have been or should be made to turn it into a movie or TV series?

Which one do you feel like reading or watching? Why?

Useful vocabulary
The one I'd most like to watch / read is… In my opinion, it is the most… I find the story quite… The main reason why I feel like reading / watching this one is…
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  • Richard III, play by William Shakespeare, around 1591.
  • Hamlet, play by William Shakespeare, 1603.
  • Macbeth, play by William Shakespeare, 1606.
  • The Duchess of Malfi, play by John Webster, 1612-13.
  • A Game of Thrones, book one of A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin, 1996.
  • The Hollow Crown, TV series by Dominic Cooke, Richard Eyre, Rupert Goold and Thea Sharrock, 2012-2016.
  • Macbeth, movie by Justin Kurzel, 2015.
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From French to English

La traduction de « il faut »

you must / you've got to : l'obligation émane de l'énonciateur (celui qui parle)

you need / have to : l'obligation émane d'une autorité autre et extérieure

it must be / it has to / needs to : la tournure est impersonnelle

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Let's learn!

Adapt it

Turn to your nearest classmate to explain to her or him how to adapt a play to the screen. Use as many different translations of il faut as you can. Then ask your classmate to tell someone else what you said.
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Over to you!

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Write a review

Let's use what you have learnt in !

Write a review of one of the items from , insisting on the parallels that can be drawn with Game of Thrones or Shakespeare.

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j'ai une idée !

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